Contact the WordPilots team if you have a specific job, if you need to bounce ideas regarding a language project, or if you would like to be included in our vendor database. Or use the form below if you would like a quote on a specific job.
Banking details
Danske Bank Erhverv
Jægergårdsgade 101B
8000 Aarhus C
Payment in currency:
Reg. 3627 Konto 1085700
IBAN: DK49 3000 0001 0857 00
Reg. 3629 Konto 702830
IBAN: DK92 3000 3629 7028 30
What do our customers say?
“At ITW GSE, we are very pleased to be working with WordPilots, which translates technical manuals and associated software into several languages. We collaborate closely with WordPilots on term validation and updating translation memories.
WordPilots ensures consistent terminology throughout the translated documents, and also saves considerable resources for us.”
“WordPilots listens to our needs, and is always going out of its way to meet our wishes. In our experience, the service is efficient and professional, regardless of the type of job, and they always deliver on time.”
“We set great store by our collaboration with WordPilots. IT Optima supplies IT analyses, and we are very dependent on having an astute supplier of translations of the extensive material that precedes our analyses.
The WordPilots team is good at conveying exactly the right meaning in all the languages, and deadlines and prices are always just perfect.”